Not bad, not great. Definitely deserves a chance, at the very least
Not bad, not great. Definitely deserves a chance, at the very least
It's 2048 but with shapes
Only complaint is that I wish I were better lol
Impressive! If you plan to update this game at some point, you might consider doing something to prevent the screen from scrolling when moving the character up and down
Thanks! And yes, fixed that and added some details to the losing condition :)
Simple? Yes.
Easy? Not for long!
Great game!
thanks for playing!
A great game! I don't recall how many times I crashed my first time through (I think 40-something), but that's part of the learning process! I do seem to have found a glitch though, as on my second playthrough I've fallen through a block and am now (very noisily) stuck in the ground... It's the left corner of one of the table-looking bits just after the first checkpoint, though I'm not sure which one unfortunately. I look forward to seeing what you do next, my good sir!
Edit: It's the first platform up and to the right. The glitch is definitely repeatable. Hope this is helpful!
Very clever
The game definitely needs some work. The controls are okay, but they make the barrier jump to specific locations if you switch directions, and that needs to be fixed. Also, I would personally recommend changing the controls to have the shield follow the mouse, but that's not a necessity.
Thank you for the review. If you switch directions you jump across to the other side of the planet.
I'm getting some serious Impossible Quiz vibes from this one...
Great game, exactly what it says on the tin
Howdy hey, folks and fae! I exist, wow look at that. I'm not really active in posting, nor will I be, but hey, I might now and again so... uhhh... that's neat I guess. I'm wanna do voice acting and writing, though I'm nowhere near professional levels, so
Age 23, Male
The Void
Joined on 4/1/20